Students may apply a second major, or a minor, towards their elective credits.
120 Total Credits
Department of Communication Arts, Sciences, and Disorders
4400 Boylan Hall
Jennifer Sass-Brown
†The Pathways curriculum is typically 42 credits. However, the Speech—Language Pathology, Audiology, Speech & Hearing Science major includes a course (CASD 1178) that also satisfies a Pathways requirement. Therefore, students majoring in Speech—Language Pathology, Audiology, Speech & Hearing Science only need to complete 39 additional Pathways credits.
The four-year degree map is designed to help you take the right courses in the right order so you can graduate in four years. It also helps you distinguish what courses qualify as Pathways courses, or Major courses, or General Elective courses. Ideally, you should follow the four-year degree map as closely as possible, but you are free to make some adjustments so long as the prerequisite requirements are satisfied.
This degree map includes many recommended courses that, although not required by the major, are necessary for graduate school admission and professional licensure by American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA). Therefore, students will benefit greatly from completing these courses at the undergraduate level in the manner outlined above.
In conjunction with the four-year degree map, you should review Degree Works, and the Brooklyn College website, for an approved list of courses in your major. Overall, it is best to review your academic plan with your advisor on a regular basis.
Department of Communication Arts, Sciences, and Disorders
4400 Boylan Hall
Jennifer Sass-Brown