Supporting Documents for an I-601 or I-601A Waiver of Inadmissibility Application

The general rule for completing an I-601 or I-601A application is to document everything that you can. Following is an incomplete list of the kinds of documents that you might need. Some of them might not apply to you (you will not need a marriage certificate if you are not married, for example), and there may be some documents not listed below that you may need due to your specific circumstances. Use your common sense.

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Documents from Your Qualifying Relative and the Petitioner of Your Immigration Application

Your qualifying relative (who may or may not be the sponsor of your immigration visa application) should submit the following documentation, to the extent that it applies to your particular case:

Personal Documents

Documents from You

You will need to submit the following documentation, and perhaps other documentation as well:

Other Documents

Documents from Other Sources

Do your best to obtain the following documentation from third-party sources:

Any documents not in English should be accompanied by a certified translation. Additionally, it is best that any letter you submit be signed and notarized, in affidavit form whereby the writer swears to the truth of the statements therein under penalty of perjury. In general, you should prepare your application as if it were a court case and you are required to prove every statement you make with documentary evidence. Remember – too much is better than not enough.